Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Boys


          Those first playmates with
          teasing, laughs, and shelter that
          bridge our years with love. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022


 I've taken to long walks outdoors, whenever possible.
Crisp, cold air or wind are no deterrent for being
"free" from four walls.  Such jaunts are a daily delight. 
Times such as these fill my soul with thankfulness.

The paths are in the city or countryside.  The moments are time
 for conversation with Jerry, for dreaming, or for glimpses
of beautiful surroundings.  Each season has its share of secrets and unblemished elegance; we just have to seek them out.

As December was coming to a close one walk led us past a meadow of undergrowth containing milkweed.  The monarch butterfly feasts upon the leaves of the plant, but not today.  All that remained in the late afternoon is a lone milkweed pod, hidden in the
thicket.  Nonetheless it caught my eye, those silky threads
 and delicate seeds that promise new growth in the
springtime of the coming new year.  

The sight of this humble plant spoke of hope, if one
chooses to imagine it.  
Such beauty if we remain
vigilant of our surroundings, may 
be considered an
assurance of sorts.   For whatever "renewal" 
lies in 
the days ahead is surely a welcome blessing.

In this new year, may we "light the lives" of others.   

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Suddenly You're On the Way

"Be willing to be a beginner every single morning."  
~Meister Eckhart 

 We're often quiet & contemplative when facing
something new.  The unknown 
exists but can offer
endless possibilities of friendship, discovery, and courage.
May discovery
challenge, awe, and joy be yours
in the coming days.
~Rose West

My Gratitude Journal


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Follow the Leader

"Planet earth is a wonderful place where beautiful creatures live."  
~Maria Powell

 Leaving the YMCA today and who caught my eye, on the drive home?

Mom waddled across the road in front of my car; the sight brought such a feeling of awe at chance
to witness such a lovely raft of ducks!
~Rose West

My Gratitude Journal

Monday, August 2, 2021

Sing A Song!

  "A lesson taught with humor is a lesson retained."  ~The Talmud

Living in the midwest as a Hoosier, this is
a common sight in late July and early August. Much
work goes into producing luscious crops of watermelon.
Spotting the driver with his cache, I'm reminded that songs
and singing with kids is a delightful way to spend time together!

I remember learning this one at around the age of twelve.  How about you?

Plant a watermelon upon my grave,
 let the juice trickle in. 
Steak & fried chicken taste mighty fine but
nothing tastes better than a watermelon vine!
  So plant a watermelon vine upon my grave,
let the juice trickle in.
~Rose West

My Gratitude Journal


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Beautiful Reminders

  "And the turtles of course...all the turtles are  free,
 as turtles and, maybe, all creatures should be." ~Dr. Seuss   

A delightful terrapin at a nearby nature preserve, eyes me with
trepidation.  A sunny day afforded my husband and I with a
chance to 
hike & drink in the beauty of our earth. 

"I respect the foresight of establishing protected spaces for the creatures in our midst,
beautiful reminders of God's handiwork
~Rose West

My Gratitude Journal

Monday, July 26, 2021

Gwen's "Give-Away-Song"

 "Be present for all things and be thankful for all things." ~Maya Angelou   


Poetry can capture our attention, sometimes like no other form
of communication.  It's often the root of music or melodies that
 convey the beauty, praises, and heartaches of life.  


"I love discovering new, poignant ways poets share pictures of our world that speak of
 heartfelt passion and desire.
~Rose West

My Gratitude Journal