Sunday, March 31, 2013

Set YOUR Reading Goal Yet?

Neveah Mosher has her mind all made up!

 Where's the LOVE button when you need one?
Show the video to your class.

Inspire youngsters to set personal reading goals.

Set one for yourself.

Tell your kids about it.

Follow through.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hares, Bunnies, or Rabbits to Choose From

Easter one day, April the next. 
My the spring calendar really is full!   

Like some songs, poems, and beautiful illustrations right now?  

Thanks to Heidi at "My Juicy Little Universe" for sharing.
"Gasp," it's only 100 pages long.

I cannot wait to try this American Folk Song with kids
after we return to school following spring break, on April 2nd.

Old Molly Hare
Old Molly Hare, what you doin there?
"Runnin through the cotton patch hard as I can tear."
Bru'r Rabbit, Bru'r Rabbit, what makes your ears so long?
"Cause, by God, they're put on wrong."
Bru'r Rabbit, Bru'r Rabbit, what makes you look so shy?
"Cause my Lord, I don't want to die."
Bru'r Rabbit, Bru'r Rabbit, what makes you look so thin?
"Cause, by God, I'm burning the wind."

Make Time for the Outdoors

Let's all get outside.  Why?
Simple- we'll all ease "brain fatigue."
Remember that when you're with your children or students.

"Keep your love of nature, for that is
the true way to understand art and more." ~Vincent Van Gogh

Friday, March 29, 2013

TOOLBOX: Authentic Narratives & Stories

Army Officer Curtis Price interviews his 10-year-old daughter
Emily Price, at Storycorps' MobileBooth in Fort Bragg, NC.

Looking for authentic narratives, stories, or literature
that's both interesting and appropriate for Common Core lessons?
StoryCorps' Military Voices Initiative has just what you need.

The Military Voices Initiative amplifies the tales of the men and women
serving in the military through accounts from family members or from service personnel
themselves.  If you take advantage of them with your pupils, we–as a nation–are listening.

 Check out stories on Face Book:
You can also access them on Twitter @StoryCorps

Thursday, March 28, 2013

TOOLBOX: Excite & Reach the Child

Motivating kids can be challenging yet
it's the key to creating a lifelong love of learning

The link above has ten different areas
to consider when influencing young people.

Use and share this excellent resource with others!
We can follow Edudmic on Facebook
and on Twitter @Edudmic

Monday, March 25, 2013

Stopwatches Right Here

Everybody needs a stopwatch at some point & often you can't find one.
There is now!
Choose your favorite from several different selections.
We can follow Online Stopwatch on Facebook

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Math Page on PINTEREST

Make a Place Value foldable to aid learners.
The PINTEREST page has this idea (from Runde's Room) & so much more!

Teaching Reading & Common Core
 What are your biggest concerns related to
implementing the Common Core standards?  Read on.......

When We Advocate for the Right Stuff

Parents, schools, and developing good decision making talent in kids:
How about "Life Skills for Children?"

This is a great article!
Follow author Rick Ackerly via Twitter and Facebook.

Saturday, March 2, 2013