Thursday, December 29, 2011

Discover Byrne's "Free Technology for Teachers"

Richard Byrne is an exceptional educator and at this link he shares his most popular posts of 2011, right before New Year's Day.  Don't miss his 77 web resources, free EBooks and tutorials.  One can choose to follow him on Facebook or perhaps on Twitter . 

Educational Chats on Twitter

Twitter brings people together from a world wide audience for educational chats.  Chats are a quick, fun, and inspiring way for us to improve teaching and learning opportunities.  "Cybrary Man's" collection connects you to the conversations, whether you're a teacher, parent, or student.  Good luck; get ready for some fresh insight!

Writing Prompts

ONE word.... 60 second writing prompts.  This is an excellent tool for your students.   Commit to writing with pupils daily in the coming semester, linking reading-to-thinking; it will yield positive results!  This site should inspire kids and enable users to effectively tap technology for positive gains. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011 name says it all!   Are you helping a pupil improve reading fluency
and vocabulary?  This is a great place to start collecting ideas and user-friendly strategies.
I love this for students; it's NOT your every day calendar!  Discover the "ReadWriteThink."  These resources are excellent.  Spice up your teaching with ideas you'll find here: 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Have you discovered that EDUTOPIA has great resources on You Tube (over 190) that cab help us improve teaching skills.  Explore the archive and ways that you can make learning come alive for kids.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Laying a foundation of goal-setting and high expectations gives kids a roadmap for personal success.  Learn about Dr. Ben Carson and his take on creating opportunity, service, and reaching for dreams;    "Ben Carson, An Extraordinary Life"

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Guiding youth to develop self control pays academic and personal dividends beyond PreK and the early elementary school years.  Professionals don't give up when there are tough situations to address with students AND families!   

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Super Book of Web Tools

This free ebook will help ANYONE get started in using technology in the classroom.....your customers will be engaged like never before!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 is a national multimedia project offering information and resources to the parents and educators of adolescent readers and writers in grades four through twelve.  Sign up for a monthly newsletter but don't miss their archived issues for teaching strategies and author news.

Monday, September 5, 2011

"You Made A Difference" Campaign

Know an individual from your school career who really opened a door, offered insight, encouraged, or and laid a foundation of insight which set you (and others) on a worthwhile path?   Want to salute that special person, or just  be inspired?  Log onto YouTube to upload and or enjoy some tributes to teachers who made a difference in the lives of grateful pupils:

You can also go to Facebook and salute the educator who has influenced you, as a part of the 2011 "You Made a Difference." campaign.  It's never to late to say "thank you." After all, we spend a lifetime learning.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The BIG Five!

Teaching reading is rocket science!  I know successful tutoring is based upon a balanced approach for the best results.  Just what are the elements that lead to reading success?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Resources Galore at K12 READER

Designed for the teacher/tutor or parent--the activities, word lists, links, games, printable
resources, and details on the five essential components of reading are here.  It's a site
with strategies and guides to use for emerging readers & multi language learners alike:

Monday, July 25, 2011

May I Suggest Ginsburg's Blog?

For news you can use, make it a habit to visit "Coach G's Teaching Tips."  You can follow him on Twitter or via the web: