Saturday, February 15, 2014

At the Right Time

If you missed this Olympic moment as I did,
the media "saved the day" by reporting

the good news.  Let's relive it together.

Canadian coach Justin Wadsworth came to
the rescue of Russian athlete Anton Gafarov, during a spill that happened during a cross-county ski competition on February 10, 2014.

Anton crashed during a turn, breaking
his ski and then tried to get off the course. 

Coach Wadsworth, whose Canadian athletes had already been eliminated, hustled over
with a spare ski so the young man could resume his race and cross the finish line with dignity.

Read Cindy Keatings description
of this moment......26 seconds of action
(in link above).  It simply outlines for us

the importance of timing and modeling.
Cindy's powerful insight is so apropos.

Thanks Coach Wadsworth for giving
the world a most memorable lesson!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It's What We Deserve

Robbie Novak is "Kid President,"
undoubtedly one of the most refreshing
faces and personalities on the planet.   

Give yourself a gift:   
 20 Things We Should Say More Often.

Want to send a message to our
students that they matter?   

Model respect.

It's what we all deserve.