Monday, July 23, 2018


Photograph compliments of Erika Reidy
"Never ever underestimate
 the importance of having fun."
                                          ~Randy Pausch

This month I was a volunteer for Lawrence
County's annual Kids Theater Week; lucky me!
Who's my example of how to have fun, learn new things,
and wonder after five busy days of being with the youngsters-
"Hey.....where did the time go?"

That's the beauty of learning that
the selfless contributions to the lives of
others is the deepest joy we'll ever know.
Thank you Mr. Watson!

Saturday, July 21, 2018


Going to focus on "Contributing"
with my customers, this school year.

Friday, July 20, 2018


Examples are all around.
"Borrowing" ideas that capture
that aha moment and give you a  
reason to create more suitable solutions?
Go ahead; action upon your impulse,
before that inspiration dims and slips away.